Amazon Transparency Program

How does the transparency program work?
Amazon provides each unique code, if you have 1,000 of a specific product they will provide 1,000 unique transparency codes. Amazon charges between $0.01-$0.05/per transparency code. Once they provide them, you will need to have them printed onto your product.
The brand can enroll its products into the Transparency Program by buying Amazon Identifiers for every product.
Each Identifier contains the following information:
manufacturing date,
manufacturing location,
ingredients, etc.
The Amazon Identifier (AID) is an encrypted 26-digit alphanumeric code, unique for each item.
The brand should apply transparency codes and a transparency logo on the products. Amazon recommends using the logo in color, but black or white symbols are allowed.
*The Transparency label is required to be visible for consumers and supply chain scanning, so the preferred placement should be on the front face of the package.
Before the shipment, Amazon scans transparency labels to make sure only authentic items will be sent to customers. If for some reason a unit fails the Transparency check, Amazon will investigate the situation for potential counterfeits.
Customers can use a special Transparency app, which can be downloaded from the App Store, Google Play or Microsoft to authenticate the products they purchase.
How Does The Transparency Application Work?
First, the customer scans the Transparency code on the package. If the product is authentic, the customer receives a detailed information snippet about the item. If the code is invalid, the customer will be informed about a potential counterfeit and will be able to get in touch with the Transparency Program Support Team for further instructions.
Transparency Program Advantages
The Amazon Transparency Program offers advantages to both brands and customers by building more trusting relationships between the two sides. It really brings a new comfort level to customers – now they can be sure they will get authentic, safe and quality products. In addition, as a part of brand protection, The Transparency Program is a powerful tool against “gray dealers” who sell counterfeit products. (Note: this Program is separate from Brand Registry, which is another way to protect your brand).
Amazon Transparency Program Summary
The Transparency Program represents a new attempt that Amazon has initiated to combat unauthorized selling and counterfeits to clean up its chaotic marketplace. Choose the right label size Amazon recommends a few layouts + sizes of labels they call Layouts 1, 2, 3, and 4. There is no overall “best” layout, but some layouts fit better on different packages. Transparency guidelines require the Transparency logo and barcode to be front-facing if possible; otherwise back, side or top in that order of preference. Unfortunately, the sizes recommended by Amazon are non-standard. Those require custom-manufactured blank label stock. Which exact label size is best?
Use the label that’s a good fit for your package.
Layout 1
1.25″ x 1.00″ (Rolls/Sheets)

Layout 2
1.50″ x 1.00″ (Rolls/Sheets)
2.00″ x 1.00″ (Rolls/Sheets)

Layout 3
1.50″ x 1.50″ (Rolls/Sheets)
2.00″ x 1.50″ (Rolls)

Layout 4
4.00″ x 2.00″ (Rolls/Sheets)

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Pricing per Label:
Starting at $0.07 per label going to as low as <$0.01 per label.