GS1–128 Shipping Container Labels

We print our GS1–128 Shipping Container Labels directly within GS1’s specifications.
We have printed hundreds of thousands of unique SSCC-18 labels for our clients and have helped these customers navigate distributors complex shipping systems. Save money and time by trusting us as your SSCC-18 Label provider.
Label Information:
What are the requirements for a SSCC-18 master carton barcode?
The serial shipping container code (SSCC) is an 18-digit number used to identify logistics units. In order to automate the reading process, the SSCC is often encoded in a barcode, generally GS1-128, and can also be encoded in an RFID tag. It is used in electronic commerce transactions.
What are the components of a SSCC-18 Master Carton barcode?
Application Identifier (AI)
The AI “00” indicates the SSCC-18 data structure will follow.
Extension Digit
The Extension Digit has no defined logic and is used to increase the capacity of the Serial Reference
GS1 Company Prefix
GS1 Company Prefixes are 7-10 digits. Serial Reference Numbers are 6-9 digits.
Serial Reference
The Serial Reference number is assigned by the holder of the GS1 Company Prefix to uniquely identify a shipping container (logistic unit). A Serial Reference cannot be reused for a minimum of 12 months. The combined length of the GS1 Company Prefix and Serial Reference is always 16 digits.
Check Digit
Calculated using the Modulo 10 algorithm.
What are the components of a GS1–128 Shipping Container label?
GS1-128 Shipping Container labels usually are composed with all shipping information for a given skid or pallet shipment. Below is an example of a standard GS1-128 Shipping Container label. Exact requirements and information needed will vary by company.

Industries that require this label:
Almost all businesses will use an SSCC-18 on transit levels of a packaging, such as shipments of products on skids.
GS1–128 Shipping Container Labels Available
Rolls |
4.00 x 6.00 |
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